Cybersecurity is an attitude that promotes collective commitment to resilience and preparedness against cyber threats in today’s interconnected digital landscape.

Investing in best-in-class products merely addresses the basics; a comprehensive security strategy to protect data factoring people, process, technology and even organisational culture must be formulated, measured and evolved.

Cybersecurity is intricately tied to the protection of data because the security and integrity of data are crucial to maintaining trust with clients, protecting business operations, and safeguarding sensitive information.

At Genesys Data, we believe that data must be managed across a lifecycle, taking inputs and factoring controls from standards and frameworks, such as ISO27001, The Essential Eight and NIST to name but a few. Cloud & digital services are now critical for business success.  Balance exposure, measure residual risk and address recoverability.  Are you ready?

Find out more about the Genesys Data domain model here

Effective cybersecurity means alignment across disciplines and that’s where Genesys Data comes in. 

Our services help you:

  • Identify risk to services, assets and data
  • Protect or add safeguards
  • Detect changes or deviations
  • Respond to events and know how to Recover!

We consider Data, Privacy, and Security to be essential components of effective corporate responsibility and our services include:

Have a data first strategy

Genesys Data