Privacy means you have control of your data and have measures in place that demonstrate effective duty of care.  Privacy is about protecting information and managing it throughout its lifecycle – from collection to disposal – and privacy practices intersect with security, operational and technical controls ensuring that your company’s or client’s Personal Information is appropriately managed.

We help clients develop their understanding of the types of data being processed, stored, shared and maintained, including necessary measures for its protection.  We provide strategy, risk assessments, compliance advice, maturity modelling, procurement support, specialised data inventory and mapping capabilities as well as designing data protection fundamentals.

Find out more about the Genesys Data domain model here

Effective privacy means more than tipping your hat as a nod to requirements and regulations and that’s where Genesys Data comes in. 

Our services help you:

  • Identify risks in data processing
  • Govern via policies and processes to reduce risk
  • Control data through appropriate safeguards
  • Communicate with transparency
  • Protect personal and sensitive information by applying accuracy and integrity

We consider Data, Privacy, and Security to be essential components of corporate responsibility, and our services include:

Privacy is not just about policy or about compliance adherence, it must be embedded into organisational culture, reflecting respect for individuals and fostering trust within every interaction and decision.

Genesys Data